Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Plague

We've been struck by the plague.
It's taken Charlie, 3 days later Amelie,
and now 4 days later, Dem.
Who will be next?
This is how this sick baby sleeps

One last story before Daddy's trip to France


  1. So now would be a good time to visit?

    I'm so sorry everyone's sick. Hope YOU don't get it and the kids get better quick!

  2. That is the sweetest picture of Amelie sleeping!

  3. Aww, Molly Moo is very cute in that picture. In the story pic with dad Charlie looks a little rough ;) I hope that they Dem gets over it soon!!

  4. I'm so sorry Erin! I hate having sickness in the house, almost above anything. It makes a mama feel so helpless.
