Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Regal Wine

Several weeks ago was "take your child to work day."
John said they were doing something at Regal and before he could finish,
I said "yes, please take them."
John works for a wine importing company, Regal Wine, so the kids
were excited to learn more about just what exactly Daddy does. :)

So Machen and Demaree got to spend the day learning about how wine is made, sold, and helps pay our mortgage.
One of the very cool things they did was design their own wine labels, complete with a story. John explained you want
to have a catchy label with a interesting story that captivates people. The kids were all over that...

Machen's work: Old Friend
The tasteful one -
"The tasteful one tastes and loves all wine. He tastes more than anyone could.
He makes amazing wines. His wines are worth buying. "

Then we have this new fabulous wine maker...
Spain Bran - This is from the Beautiful town of Spain.
this is white wine. you will love this!
Dem Dog - This Dog saved a cat even though he hated cats

Machen at dinner noted with disgust at the bottle we were drinking:
"This wine doesn't even have a story."
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